Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Pallet wood art

Isn't she a beaut? Haha, ok. Well I had some leftover pallet wood after I made a pallet couch (which, by the way, I don't like, but that's for another post). We had one pallet cut down a bit and we were going to try and make a side table or something, but our carpentry skills aren't what they should be :) So I ripped the pallet apart (I had already stained the wood with Minwax Dark Walnut, I believe) which wasn't a fun or easy task. A pain in the ass, actually. Then, I took 2x4's, cut them down to size, and nailed the pallet wood pieces together to the two 2x4's. Next, I just free handed the LOVE with regular acrylic paint. Voila. Simple, pretty much free artwork. To hang it on the wall, I just nailed a couple nails on the back halfway in, wrapped floral wire between the two nails, then nailed the nails in all the way. Simple. Easy. Just the way I like it.

Frosted Glass Vases

So I've been needing some nice storage in my bathroom for things like toothbrushes, cotton balls, q-tips, etc. Like most single mothers, I'm one broke lady. I'd like to have a really pretty $20 toothbrush holder, and a $15 glass to hold whatever else, but I just ain't gonna spend the money. So here's what I did (with a little inspiration from Pinterest) I've seen people take glasses, put rubber bands around them randomly, then spray paint them white. It looks pretty sweet and all, but I have a whole can of frosted spray paint. Here's my version of it:
I had a vase that I got from Dollar Tree a while ago that isn't being used for anything. I cleaned it (just used some window cleaner), and put rubber bands around it.
I used Valspar Frosting Spray Paint, from Lowes. I can't remember how much it was, I wanna say around $5.
And two coats later, letting it dry about 20 minutes between coats, this is what mommy did :D

A Little About Me

So, my name is Kim. I'm an IT Analyst (fancy speak for I fix computers that break), I have two wonderful daughters, and three adorable fur babies.
When I'm not saving the world, one computer at a time, you can usually find me doing some kind of home improvement task, hiking, or jumping on the trampoline in my backyard :) There's literally millions, possibly billions of DIY blogs, I know mine probably won't ever be popular so this is mostly for me to keep up with the crap I do :D